Sometimes, the companies have to solve situations such as changes in legislation, changes in the business environment, occurrence of a new specific transaction in the business (acquisition, merger, de-merger), occurrence of a transaction that the accountants of the company have no experience with, first time audit of the company ever within its history, changes in the accounting system, oversight from the regulator, and other situations, which the company and its employees do not have experience with. Alternatively, the company has insufficient time or personal capacities for solution of such non-standard and complex situations.
Our team has broad experience with such situations from the long-term audit and advisory practice for Slovak and international companies maintaining their accounting records in accordance with the Slovak accounting standards, IFRS, preparing not only standard financial statements, but also various group reporting packages, internal controlling packages, reports for statistical office, National bank of Slovakia and others.
In cooperation with you, we can identify the need and provide help exactly where you need it the most.
We provide assistance at preparation of company for audit, including preparation of audit documentation, e.g. at first audit ever or alternatively at complex audit with issues.
We can help and free up the company’s hands in many areas related to reporting and preparation of financial statements. Are you short of capacities? Do you need help? Do you need to set up the system? These are areas, in relation to which you can contact us, e.g.:
regular reporting for parent company, set up of internal processes and automatization of the group package preparation,
internal controlling reporting, set up of processes and automatization of the group package preparation for internal controlling,
assistance at consolidation of the group companies, set up of the processes and automatization of preparation of consolidation package,
preparation of full set of the company’s financial statements (individuation and also consolidated), or its parts (e.g. cash flow statements, notes to the financial statements),
assistance at transformation of the financial statements to IFRS,
preparation of annual report.
Definitely contact us, when you face the following situations:
specific methodological issues in the area of accounting (e.g. leasing, accounting of securities, accounting of merger, de-merger, accounting of financial derivatives, etc.),
implementation of the accounting system, including the advisory services related to preparation of internal accounting policies and setting up the system of internal controls in the area of accounting and reporting,
need for complex accounting advisory services.
We will be happy to advise you also in the following areas:
assistance at the implementation of the new accounting system,
optimization of the process of preparation of the financial statements and reporting,
revision of internal control environment and preparation of recommendations for improvement,